Monday, July 08, 2019

The Roundhouse 
London, England

Brendan's take on Night 2 at The Roundhouse
Van Morrison at Innervisions Festival,Roundhouse, London, July 7th,2019

Van's second consecutive night at this festival commenced once more with Gonna Send You Back To Where I Got You From which I felt was a superior version to that of the night before. Ain't Gonna Moan No More featured great trumpet playing by Paul Moran and included an extended saxaphone solo by Van to bring the song to a conclusion. Just A Little Bit was introduced by Van as a song he started playing when he was about twelve and it featured some terrific harmonica playing by special guest James Hunter. It Once Was My Life, Days Like This and Have I Told You Lately were all played in rapid succession before Van put on his acoustic guitar to deliver a magnificent Saint Dominic's Preview to a tumultuous reception. After listening to this masterpiece I pondered once more on why such high quality material generally plays such a limited part in Van's live repertoire but on this particular night I was unaware at that stage of the joys that lay ahead later in the performance. Chris Farlowe guested once more on a fine performance of Transformation before a blues medley of Stormy Monday, Lonely Avenue and Early In The Morning saw both Van and Chris share the vocals, ably assisted by some great guitar and organ by Dave Keary and Paul Moran respectively. A run of jazz infused numbers consisting of Broken Record, Moondance and Symphony Sid was interrupted only by another strong version of Sometimes We Cry. In The Afternoon was really good once more despite the worst attempts of the loud talkers in the audience to try and ruin it for everyone else. Dana Masters excelled on backing vocals throughout and repeated the phrase "its my life baby, its your life baby" over and over while Van repeated the phrase "my God and your Lord" in a likewise manner as the stage was shrouded in near darkness.Instead of the concert heading to a predictable conclusion we were next treated to a wonderful version of Ballerina which featured guitar playing of such quality by Dave Keary that it drew a deserved large ovation from the audience. Van departed into the wings still singing before returning for a sublime In The Garden as the encore. This ran for a full fifteen minutes, some nine of which featured excellent extended band solos after Van had finally departed with Dana Masters on vocals and Teena Lyle on vibraphone probably featuring highest on the audience reaction measurement level.
-Brendan Hynes

Set List
Gonna Send You Back To Where I Got You From
Ain't Gonna Moan No More
Just A Little Bit w/James Hunter
It Once Was My Life
Days Like This
Have I Told You Lately (fast version)
Saint Dominics Preview
Transformation w/Chris Farlowe
Stormy Monday/Lonely Avenue/Early In The Morning w/Chris Farlowe
Broken Record
Sometimes We Cry
Symphony Sid
In The Afternoon
In The Garden

Set Time 1h 30m (Van on stage 1h 21m)

Sunday, July 07, 2019

The Roundhouse 
London, England

Brendan sent in this review
Van Morrison at Innervisions Festival, Roundhouse,London 6th July 2019

The hope among the more dedicated fans in advance of this show was that it would deviate substantially from the rather predictable and underwhelming setlists which have featured in Van Morrison shows for quite some time, particularly at the outdoor festival ones. Five songs into the show these hopes seemed somewhat forlorn as those opening numbers were decidedly uninspired song choices and delivered in a rather lacklustre manner to put it mildly. The sudden sight of Van strapping on his acoustic guitar was promising however and when he delivered a stunning St. Dominic's Preview the world suddenly seemed a much brighter place. A rather subdued Moondance was followed by a really strong version of Sometimes We Cry featuring Dana Masters on shared vocals. Baby Please Don't Go did not involve a medley tonight and was immediately followed by I Can Tell featuring nice solos by Dave Keary on guitar and Paul Moran on organ. Van then announced a blues workshop and invited Chris Farlowe on stage for what proved to be a blues masterclass starting with Stormy Monday then on to Take Your Hand Out of My Pocket before going down The Lonely Avenue and culminating with Early In The Morning. Paul Moran featured prominently on organ throughout this segment. Chris stayed on stage to assist on a nice and somewhat rare rendition of Transformation which followed. Cleaning Windows and Bopping The Blues were pretty lively before Van transported us once more down the ancient highway In The Afternoon which received the full Van treatment despite the considerable crowd noise from those audience members who came to talk loudly rather than to listen to the music. Help Me featured some excellent harmonica playing by guest James Hunter who also contributed some vocals towards the song's end. Star of The County Down which recently featured in Belfast was reprised one more time tonight before an even longer version of Gloria than normal (designed to fill out the remaining ten minutes of the standard set time after Van had prematurely departed) brought the show to a conclusion.
-Brendan Hynes

Set List
Send You Back To Where I Got You From
Let's Get Lost
It Once Was My Life
Days Like This
Have I Told You Lately (fast version)
St. Dominic's Preview
Baby Please Don't Go
I Can Tell
Stormy Monday/Take Your Hand Out of My Pocket/Lonely Avenue/Early In The Morning w/Chris Farlowe
Transformation w/Chris Farlowe
Cleaning Windows
Boppin' The Blues
In The Afternoon
Help Me w/James Hunter
Star of The County Down
Gloria w/Chris Farlowe

Set Time 1h 31m (Van on stage 1h 20m)