Goodbye Friend
Allan Gill was one of the most generous and endearing souls I was lucky to have met and I will miss him more than anyone I know. He was an encyclopedia when it came to his knowledge of Van and a lot of other subjects for that matter - he could tell you things from any period of Van's career. He faced his illness with great bravery - often taking the Irish approach: What Can't Be Cured Must Be Endured.

I'm still shocked and will miss hearing his voice - he could be cantankerous at times but he always told it like it is and would not hold back from what he was really thinking.

The greatest lesson I've learned from him was to be true to your heart. Next time you listen to Van - think of Allan - as I'll be doing the same.
Allan - no one had a bigger heart or a braver soul than you. I hope you have found peace. I'll never forget you!
Here is Allan's friend, Brenda from The Netherlands, with her message that was sent to all Van fans:
Allan Gill past away Monday evening, at his home in Milwaukee. His family was with him and he went peacefully. The last few weeks he was very ill, but the last few days it did go fast. Allan had liver cancer for a longer time.

and interesting man. He started many vines, often with a difficult riddle
about Van or the band. He was a huge Van Morrison fan; his favourite Van period was with the Caledonia Soul Orchestra. He did know very much about Van, the band members and the music. But he was also very critical and had a clear vision. Allan was mighty interesting to talk with, about all kinds of subjects. A beautiful, colourful and warm person, but he was also difficult and self-conceited. He was very honest and a real friend.
Thanks Allan for being such a good friend for me, I will miss you so much!

That's Gerrit, Martin, Allan & Brenda in The Netherlands, 2005 (left)
If anybody has any comments, an Allan story (a lot of you out there knew him) or any thoughts, you can email them to me and I'll post them to this blog entry.
I'm taking time off from posting the usual Van News items until after the Martin Luther King holiday, here in the U.S., on January 15th to remember Allan.

Allan L. Gill Jr.
Age 59 years. Found Eternal Peace Jan. 8, 2007. He leaves to cherish his memory his wife, Bennie Cross-Gill; 2 sons, Izan Walker and Bakeer (Alicia) Crumble; 2 daughters, Fatima Crumble and Kamilah Bent; 2 granddaughters, Albrianna and Izana; 3 grandsons, Isaiah, Izan and Irshad; a sister, Jan (Robert) Yancy; a host of other loving relatives and friends. Visitation Saturday 11AM until time of Memorial Service at 12 noon in the Chapel of Serenity Funeral Home. Interment Cross Cemetery in Kosciusko, MS. Final services entrusted to Winters Funeral Home.
Guest Book for Allan
Troy's Video Montage Tribute To Allan
The pictures below were taken at the pre and post show Van concert gatherings in STRATFORD-UPON-AVON, England on November 9th & 10th 2001 at Simon's WAVELENGTH WASSAIL.

This is the information about where memorials can be sent:
MCW - Div. of GI & Hempatology
c/o Angela Dement 4th Fl-FEC
Dr. Kia Saeian Liver Research Fund
9200 West Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53226
Medical College of Wisconsin - Div. of GI & Hempatology Website
There will be a memorial Saturday in Milwaukee:
Visitation Saturday 11AM until time of Memorial Service at 12 noon in the Chapel of Serenity Funeral Home.
Allan will be buried in Kosciusko, Mississippi on Monday January 15th.
Allan touched many people's lives (here are a few):
It's hard to estimate the worth of Allan to these lists alone, but apart from that he was a fascinating character. A real "One Off". While I originally met him through these lists I got to know him via phone and hours of laborious instant messaging, before we met in-person. Generous to a fault, he could be feisty and peppery yet so eminently likeable. He was also never one to be short of an opinion on Van or many other matters. He exemplified the worth of these lists and it gave me an opportunity to meet and commune with someone I might never have met in REAL life. It was a privilege.
Several years ago I told him about a black gentleman I had met in a lift at the Van-Solomon Burke concerts in Boston at the Fleet Center. We were jammed into the lift with what seemed like half of Solomon's band and this guy told me he had been a Van fan for years but didn't realize there was a whole group of people following him. I told him he had hit the Van jackpot via this chance meeting, took his business card and promised to send him some live CD shows. When I told Allan he pestered me incessantly for the guy's address. I had misplaced the card. When I finally found it he immediately sent this guy a slew of Van videos, only too thrilled that another black person could possibly be a fan of Van.
Surprisingly, most of my contacts with Allan centered more on Tennis than Van. For those that didn't know, prior to his health problems, he used to be an excellent player and was extremely knowledgeable about the game. A real aficionado. He sure as hell gave me a lot of great advice about my backhand and grip and was always analyzing my game, much to my benefit. Every Grand Slam tournament we would make our picks for who would win men's and ladies and he would gloat when he was right, as was usually the case. I can hear him now selecting Roger Federer (one of his favorites) for the upcoming Aussie open and telling me "Heff, you got no chance". Not surprisingly, he thrived on the success of the Williams Sisters and James Blake and hated Leighton Hewitt. He was also no big fan of Andre Agassi until his later years when he respected the effort of the "old man" of the courts. He made endless fun of the state of British tennis and agreed with me that Mr Henman would never win Wimbledon no matter how many fans crammed onto Henman Hill. He also predicted early on that Andy Murray could be the REAL deal and a breakthrough for British tennis.
Allan, save me a place on center court mate, best out of three! My thought are with you and your family
Your friend,
-Brian (USA via UK)


I had the pleasure of meeting Allan at the Chicago Fleadh where we shared a small portion of a blanket floating on top of a sea of mud. I had spoke with him and e-mailed him before but it was a sincere honor to finally meet him and share watching Van live with him.
As with a lot of others, we spoke, e-mailed, IM'ed and traded regularly. I was aware of him being sick for years, and we would talk sometimes for hours about everything from family to music and everything in between. He was strong and brave about his situation.
I had the pleasure of not only receiving many, many shows from him, but also the honor of sharing not only Van but my passion for jazz with him......
I remember when all he listened to was Van, exclusively, I kept sending him other music, and he would always say " what are you sending me this shit for ?'s not Van." I never gave up, and when Linda Gail Lewis joined the band, I guess his taste for music started to branch out. He eventually, either from me or someone else got into early Miles Davis, and John Coltrane. I was happy to always send him anything I could from their work. Allan was very strong willed and definitely knew what he liked and stuck to his convictions. I will miss our talks most of all. Allan's passing is a great loss to the Van community, and my heart goes out to the ones he held dear to his heart, because I know those are the people that always felt special to know him. Allan has touched so many people in so many ways. With his huge generosity he has contributed and he will never be forgotten. A truly unique man. Rest In Peace Allan, until we meet again.
I loved you Allan... and it will be a long time before it sinks in, that I can't just reach for the phone and chat. It was a pleasure to call you my friend...
My condolences to all that loved him as well...
-Heshy (USA)
-Pamps (Fred)(CAN)
Thanks for sharing that Brenda. I was wondering recently how he was doing and thought about emailing. Now of course, I am sad I didn't. He was very generous with me when I first got started, sending me good videos as I had never seen Van in concert. We spoke on the phone once, and emailed privately on and off over the years. Your description of Allan meets my experience as well. I know
he had some very close friends on this list and friends who are no longer on this list (who have left) as well. He also loved movies of all kinds, as I remember. Once I told him about a book I was reading about why women fall for bad boys, I think it was called Running with Wolves. I bought a copy and mailed it to him because he said it sounded so interesting. My husband was really curious who this guy was when I was sending it! Death is never easy but it sounds like he had a good passing. I will remember him fondly. As Van wrote '...sailing to another shore, where we can be what we wanna be..."
Thanks again,
-Donna Smith in Thunder Bay, Ontario (CAN)

Allan was an amazing guy and we were privileged to be alongside his Van enthusiasm. Sure, as Brenda says, he could be a real pain in the arse at times, but he was generous to a fault and a real friend. Oh, am I gonna miss those calls that always started with a slow drawl 'Hiya Simon', and then continued with long discussions on the state of the Van world.
We will all miss him, so much.
-Simon (UK)
I really only knew of Allan from the list and the videos he always had to share with us. I said something offcenter(i called him Captain Video(old Honeymooners episode) in a email one time thanking him and he responded with so may emails back and forth that I really got to know what he was all about. What a genuine nice guy. Dammit Allan I luv when Van picks up an instrument. He was so passionate about Van; he will be greatly missed. I'm gonna finally watch the other older dvd from the 80 Montreaux
tonight show in his honour then wake the neighbor with really old pure Van.
Celtic Ray
-Tom (USA)
Allan Gill and I struck up a friendship about 1998. I'm glad I was able to
exchange messages with him just a week ago, when he wrote to tell me that his
condition was quickly worsening.
In addition to exchanging countless email messages and engaging in countless
conversations with Allan via instant messaging over the years, I was able to
visit him several times at his home In Milwaukee. We'd spend a lot of time
talking about his video collection, and of course what was currently up with
Van. Throughout all those years, our opinions on that subject were always
virtually a mirror image.
He was a generous man, a good friend and someone who was dealt an unfair hand.
Rest easy, Allan.
-Richard (USA)
This is very hard news to take. Although I was not as close to Allan as some, he was instrumental in getting me established in the collecting of Van's music. We too had a couple of arguements, but in the end...he was a gentleman and a great friend in this religion. I will miss him greatly. All the best to his family and friends.
-Dan Hart Bangor, Maine
Rest in peace, Allan!
We thank you so much for all you did to the van morrison fan community! We'll always keep you in good mind. specially when we watch the countless videos and dvd you spread for us!
Deepest commiseration to Allan's family.
-Harm (GER)

Now my chance is gone, and I am terribly saddened by our loss and my lack of
initiative when we spoke of getting together. I'll miss our conversations
and emails. My thoughts and condolences go out to Allan's family and his many friends
throughout the world.
Rest in Peace, Allan.
-Les (USA)
Indeed, very sad news. It all happened too fast and too soon. Alan really was a dear friend and kept up keeping in touch only a few days before he left us. In the way he accepted his illnes he was an example for all of us! My special thoughts are with his wife Benny and family.
On october 8th, 2005 Allan was a guest in my radio program for Radio Parkstad, The Netherlands. I had the honour of having an interview with him, about his affection with Van's music, for about half an hour.
-Jaap (NL)
I am sitting here feeling extremely sad about the passing of our friend Allan. I never met him, but like many others, was the beneficiary of his extreme generosity. He came across as a sincere, passionate, and strong minded man. I will miss him and offer my condolences to everyone he touched.
-Jeff S.(USA)
The song SIE has now an extra dimension,you know why, bye my dear friend.
-Marion (from Holland)
Dear Allan,
I will always miss you my dear friend. You were the best, most honest friend I've ever had...
-Rest in Peace, Joanie (USA)
My memories of Allan revolve around the June 11,2005 Atlantic City concert when I on a whim decided on June 3 that I would go to Atlantic City as an anniversary present for my wife. Unfortunately the concert was sold out and I posted a message to Vantrades asking if anyone had tickets. Allan responded to my post saying that he was
from Atlantic City and he could get me tickets which he did. When I met him my wife said she thought she was looking at me-with his longish hair, tam and beard-except it was me 35 years ago. Anyways I only met him that one night-but we talked up a storm and disagreed on where Van was going etc etc - but he was the only person I ever met who also saw Van during the early days when he lived in Woodstock and would drive down to Montreal where I lived and perform at a smallish club called The New
Penelope. It turned out that Allan had also seen him there after driving from Jersey with some buddies to Montreal.The year we were not exact on-but the performance we both remembered fondly. Anyways we continued to discuss Van thru email for months afterwards and I will always remember his enthusiasism for Van in the early years and until Linda Gail.
My sincere condolences to his family!!
RIP Allan
-Steve (USA)
I would like to express how sad I am to hear about the passing of Allan Gill.
Allan was a great guy who I came in contact with when I posted a random email to the vanlist asking how to get hold of Van footage from TV etc. Needless to say we remained in touch and I still have all the videos that he kindly put together for me.
I will never forget when he rang me all the way from the US to chat. When he was in the UK on a visit, he stayed at Wavelength towers and we were able to chat again over the phone. Unfortunately, we never met in person. He was a extraordinary man who had led an extraordinary life.
I will miss him.
-James Tennant, Manchester (UK)
My last conversation (email) w/Allan was not good on his end, he stated he 'felt' he wouldn't be around much longer. I emailed him back and told him that when I tucked my son ( 9yrs) to bed that night we would say a prayer for a healthy recovery for 2007. Allan emailed me back and stated simply, 'Thanks, Chuck'.
Today I discover the sad news of Allan's passing ... I wish him
well in that vanland in the sky (w/of course CSO backing the 'man').
I will miss seeing his 'itgtsn' signon in the IM window when there was a chance to discuss van, sports, and life in general ....
Farewell, my friend - until we meet again.
-Chuck (USA)
I traded heavily with Allan about a year ago, and spoke to him periodically throughout the past year. What a great guy. I will miss our conversations about Van, music in general, and life itself. He had a lot to share with people, way more than just Van videos, his knowledge and stories are amazing. Funny how a guy you never met in your entire life can leave such an impact just from communicating over the computer. You will be greatly missed my friend, and in your own words....
-Adam W
In 2002, I bought some videos from Allan.
Once they arrived I mentioned to him that my 6-year-old autistic son loved to watch the same Van videos, over and over and over again, often requesting them over Thomas the Tank Engine and Telletubbies.
After sharing his opinion that Van's shows were mostly crap after 2000, he also said that anyone who loved Van that much should have the opportunity to see him.
Several days later, without notice, there were several Van DVDs in my mailbox that I hadn't ordered.
So, again, thank you Allan. You made a young boy and his dad's weary
ears very happy.
-Jim (USA)

It's a great tribute to Allan to see how deeply he touched so many people. The photo just posted on the main Van-M Page of him in his beret and Van shirt is sweet and perfect. Brian, below, and many others have eloquently summed up his complex and rich character, his keen intelligence, generosity and inherent
goodness. He had no shortage of opinions, God love him. No matter who you were, you could expect and enjoy a candid connection.
There are many many memories. I had the pleasure of spending some time with him at Si and Viv Gee's house in the beautiful Cheshire countryside one golden autumn day in 1999. After the host and hostess retired for the night, Allan and I stayed up late watching Van video and talking. This is English hedgerow country, and there is interaction between people and the local flora and fauna. At one point, an English version of the daddy long-legs spider - seeking some indoor warmth from the chilly fall evening- scurried across the carpet near my mattress and startled me, so I whacked it with a copy of the Manchester Guardian. I went to bed with a clear conscience. The next morning at breakfast, as we were all eating our eggs and bacon and sausages, the subject of my spider-sighting came up, and Viv Gee cheerfully remarked:
"Oh, you've met Freddy. He just comes in at night to get out of the cold."
As I sheepishly nodded yes, and very very quickly went back to my eggs, I heard the voice of Allan: "Dan, you KILLED Freddy!"
The Gees' jaws both dropped in unison and their widened eyes locked
on mine: "You killed Freddy??????!!."
I was mortified.
Allan just smiled that Allan smile.
May he rest in peace and the blessings of those who knew him and loved him.
-Dan M.(USA)
I'd just like to add that, regrettably, I never got to meet Allan in person, but I did have the pleasure of speaking with him by phone many many times. He was an extremely generous person and was the source of many of the first streaming videos broadcast on KVAN. I could always expect a call from Allan following any Van shows that I attended. I recall that as I was descending the stairs from the balcony of the Apollo Theater following a Van show, my phone rang and it was Allan...he just had to know how the show was! I'll miss those calls. Rest in peace G-man.
-Troy (USA)
I'm very sad to hear about Allan. I traded with him several times over the years. In fact, back when I was just a 'wee newbie' on VanTrades in, yikes!!, 1998, with only a handful of cassette bootlegs and no burner to work with at that time, Allan was one of the right-friendly people on the VanList who stepped forward and sent me several discs as 'seed' so I would have something to trade with. Things mushroomed from there. I knew that he was ill for several years. Another class-act to join up with other good people in that big party in heaven.
Allan - your kindness, sweetness, attention to details for all things Van-related, and often-times cantankerousness, will be missed.
We'll miss you, Allan.
-Jess - in San Clemente, California (USA)
Alan and I first corresponded when VLS was beginning to do the VHS to DVD conversions. He was the source of many of the VLS conversions and I happened to give him "the G-Man" title as a result of that. Later I found that he and I had a great deal in common. I was born and raised in Milwaukee and a huge fan of Marquette Basketball. We shared way too many conversations during NCAA Tournaments and this upcoming tournament in March will be a sad one for me as I will not have my sparing partner. Over the last few years he and I shared a great affection for jazz and I was able to send him many DVDs I did of jazz shows to help him with a diversion. I was just going to mail 3 more DVDs today when I read this. Alan was a caring, giving, and loving soul who I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to get to know over the years. My deepest regrets go out to his family. He was a true friend and we all will miss him and continue to celebrate him through the great memories and shows he left for us.
-Seetee (VLS)(USA)
I only met Allan twice, the first of which instance was at Atlantic City in 2004 and then again last year in Amsterdam. Thus, my memory of Allan will be the Allan of Amsterdam 2005, with friends, pursuing those videos of Van Morrison shows that he treasured so much.
Allan was a friend, and given our divergent backgrounds and paths in life, the likelihood of friendship was almost illogically improbable, but Van Morrison brought Allan and me together: I think -- above all -- the element of a community of friends was the aspect of Van Morrison's "catalogue" that Allan valued most.
-Niall (USA)
I finally met him in Amsterdam a year or so ago. I either sold him my spare or he sold me his and we sat together at the Carre Theatre. I never realised that I'm an "elbower" - during the show, when Van started singing something really great, I'd nudge him and I guess I nudged him to death because he joked around after the show about how his arm was black and blue. But all was forgotten when I whipped out the biggest J he'd ever set eyes on - (In Amsterdam, some coffee houses sell these huge joints that are bigger than one's middle finger - all encased in this really nice plastic package, rolled to perfection.) He took one look at it and was like a kid on Christmas morning. I had to relinquish the package to him right then and there. I'm glad he was able to fit that (as it would turn out) last trip in to Europe.
So very strange, this life we lead. Here, just last week, with everybody coming up with their Van song to be played at their final services...."Surreal" is the word that comes to mind. We all seem to make plans for tomorrow while today just speeds away.
Goodbye, G-Man. You put up a good fight.
-Colleen (USA)
Allan was one of the first persons on the Lists that I started a dialogue with privately..the commonality was that I went to Grad school in Milwaukee, his hometown... we had a debate about whether a Milwaukee show I attended in the 70's actually occurred... I had always hoped to meet him on a future trip to Milwaukee and I am saddened that it won't come to pass... I recall he had an impressive VM video collection... my thoughts are with his family..
-Harry (USA)
Allan was a most kind and generous man. Although we had plans to meet and opportunities to do so, it never happened. Someday it will happen my friend. In the meantime, turn it up, so you know it's got soul.
-Alan (USA)
Oh gosh, it is all so very sad. I loved discussing movies with Allan... We never agreed on them which always cracked me up. I'll miss him... he was a good guy.
-Raincheck (USA)
I would like to extend my condolences to Allan’s family on this sad loss.
Allan was always so passionate about Van and during our hour long
conversations (and I thought I was alone in receiving these!) he would enlighten my young mind on all manner of Van and Non-Van related topics.
He was so so generous and would at the mere mention of a particular concert
post it, he used to make me chuckle as If during my busy life I forgot to
acknowledge receipt of a package from him, I would get a very furious call from Allan to berate me and then he would instantly revert to the likable chap we all knew and loved.
I haven’t spoken to Allan for a few years as I knew he was very ill but this has really hit me like a ton of bricks.
Rest In Peace
-John Prideaux (UK)
There was never a more avid or generous Van fan. He will be missed and my sympathy goes out to his family.
-Mary (USA)
We have lost a true pioneering spirit. Alan searched the world over to find
bits and pieces of Van History. In doing this he created a history himself.
He spent many hours spreading the joy of Van music to all of us. My library
is full of DVD's and VCD's because of his amazing effort to spread the joy
of the music! Vantrades will miss you Alan! We all will! May you rest in
Peace and may the comfort of a thousand summers fall upon your family.
Thanks for sharing yourself with me.
RIP my friend,
-Guy Provance (CAN)
I answered one of his silly questions to win a VHS tape when I first found Van Trades, eight or nine years ago. I would write him occasionally, mostly to
prove I wasn't the craziest, most opinionated person on this earth. I lost touch
util the Linda Gail Lewis period, and we corresponded again. The man did not
like that era --but then neither did my wife.
The last time we chatted was about Speak of the Devil. He didn't like that
either. I did. Allan was a giving and passionate individual who gave to all of
us, whether we knew it or not. We need more passionate and giving people. The
world was a better place with Allan.
-William K. (USA)
I just saw the news about Alans passing...needless to say how saddened
I am. Alan and another member D-CAT were the first members I traded with years back. He was very generous with his videos and knowledge of the whole Van scene.Im from NJ and no matter how many times we wrote to each other he would always tell me about his days growing up in Atlantic City. He seemed to like that I knew the City well. Oh he could be cranky and demand to know the moment his disks arrived at your place or his CONTESTS drove me crazy... but he was one of a kind.
I wonder if Van knows how big a fan and friend we've all lost here.
Lets keep Alan alive in our thoughts and prayers..lets try to be as generous as he was... We will miss you.
-Big Bob in NJ (USA)
to be able to see Van, when he was wrapped up in glory...he never wanted anything in return, just wanted to be sure I watched them all...he used to
chide me for always spelling his name wrong...that's TWO l's, Misty! lol
Such a generous soul he was..and very compassionate too...he was a good listener, and his words very comforting to me...I am very saddened by his passing.
Goodbye Allan...until we meet some day
-Misty (CAN)

We tended not to discuss Van, I don't share Allan's disappointment in the current Van, but we did talk about so much else. I was always amazed at his honesty and openness about his illness. Strangely enough, he was one of the few people with whom I felt totally comfortable exploring how I felt as a white person growing up in apartheid South Africa, and that meant so very much to me.
The world was a better place when he was in it, and my life was improved through knowing him. He was a true gentleman and a good friend. I'll miss him and I hate that I will never get to meet him.
My sympathies to Benny and his family,

Yes, his favorite period was the CSO. I remember the first batch of videos I got from him included the Rainbow Theater and the Rockpalast '98. I was raving about the Rockpalast but he told me his favorite was the Rainbow. He never liked Matt Holland at all, which was kind of funny, but I knew he was a big fan of Katie Kissoon (although he never said as much).
We talked tennis a lot. He mentioned that the Minkeys dude (Brian) here on the list is a pretty fair player. (When are we going to play, dude? I'm down here in Greenwich.) Allan did have an amazing knowledge of the game and its history. Years ago, before Roger Federer won anything, he told me that Federer had the chance to be the best ever. I scoffed, saying he was a choker. Well, I guess Allan will be proved right (based on number of Grand slam titles, which Roger will break) although I maintained to him last summer that Federer choked away the French Open. He was also a huge golf and Tiger Woods fan, like myself, and we talked a lot about that too.
I thought it was interesting that, although black and from a poor background (the projects in Atlantic City), he gravitated toward white man's things: golf, tennis and Van Morrison. I was always trying the get him interested in other music (the one thing he liked was a Warren Haynes acoustic version of Into The Mystic) but he was pretty much a Van video man. Not the cd's, just the videos. And he had a great knowledge and collection of movies, too, which he also shared.
I was so blown away by some of the first videos he sent me that I shipped him an old computer I had, so he wouldn't have to go to the library. I mention this only because he was so grateful that he started sending me all sorts of killer stuff unannounced, which I still treasure.
When I finally met him at the Atlantic City show a couple of summers ago, I lent him a Sony DV camera to tape the show (while my friends and I enjoyed it unencumbered from the 8th row). Although he did a great job of sneaking the camera in, somehow he hit a wrong button and it didn't come out. He was so crushed. I told him not to worry because the show wasn't that good (to which he agreed; he didn't like much of recent Van) but he was really crushed because, I think, he wanted to add it to his fantastic collection as a show he shot, in his hometown. I told him, hey, it doesn't matter because you've provided all these people with all this pleasure - you've helped spread the gospel. But he was still upset because he wanted to make the contribution. That's the kind of guy he was and the commitment to VM he had.
He will be missed, but always remembered when my friends and I take out one of his cd's or videos for our viewing enjoyment. They're all perfectly labeled. He'd never just send you an unlabled tape; he'd always take the time to write it out for you in beautiful handwriting.
-Georgie (USA)
-James (USA)
So what's left to say? A lot probably, but it's too late this time around. We hadn't been in touch for quite some time. But just before I heard the sad news I'd transferred his birthday (March 25th) into my new engagement calendar. I think it's a day we should all continue to celebrate -- a day that saw a very remarkable person come into the world. I'm sorry he's left us too soon.
Condolences to Bennie and the family.
-Rhonda B.(USA)
It's becoming a beautiful day in Tucson, AZ. I am sorry to hear about Allan's passing. I pray that God will send Angels to help comfort his family and friends. As someone who lost their husband to cancer, my heart goes out this family in their time of need.
-Sheri aka TupeloHoney77(USA)

We are all poorer for his passing.
A sad day indeed.
-John "JC" (UK)
"Talk to you later"
These were the last words I got from Allan a few days ago..
My goodness Allan I hope we will.
Take care buddy.
Thanks for all you did to me and you meant for all the Van fans..
I'll talk to you later...
-Bert (NL)
1 comment:
Alan and I first corresponded when VLS was beginning to do the VHS to DVD conversions. He was the source of many of the VLS conversions and I happened to give him "the G-Man" title as a result of that. Later I found that he and I had a great deal in common. I was born and raised in Milwaukee and a huge fan of Marquette Basketball. We shared way too many conversations during NCAA Tournaments and this upcoming tournament in March will be a sad one for me as I will not have my sparing partner.
Over the last few years he and I shared a great affection for jazz and I was able to send him many DVDs I did of jazz shows to help him with a diversion. I was just going to mail 3 more DVDs today when I read this.
Alan was a caring, giving, and loving soul who I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to get to know over the years.
My deepest regrets go out to his family. He was a true friend and we all will miss him and continue to celebrate him through the great memories and shows he left for us.
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