Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Van's "At The Movies" A Hit On Charts

Enters #17 In UK
Also on the album chart, sales in the week of Valentine's Day propelled Phil Collins' 2004 compilation "Love Songs" (Virgin) 19-7, while the new EMI collection "Van Morrison at the Movies -- Soundtrack Hits" entered at No. 17.

Also here's how "At The Movies" did in first week of release...
#9 On Amazon.com

#6 cd universe

#5 Barnes & Noble

#35 U.S. Billboards

#28 In Canada

1 comment:

Gerry Smith said...

Not surprised at the chart position - it's a fine compilation, a reminder of the myriad riches of the Van songbook.

At the weekend, it was being played wall-to-wall in Cambridge (England) music shops.