Poll: Do You Want Van To Bring Back Astral Weeks Live in 2010?

No denying it was a special experience for fans that got to witness it live in late 2008 through 2009.
Final votes are in - just more than hal want to see Van to bring back Astral Weeks Live this year,
"Yes" 328 Votes (57%)
"No" 239 Votes (42%)
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"No" 239 Votes (42%)
Thanks for participating.
No doubt, the Astral Week shows were quit an experience. I remember plans for a documentary named "To Be Born Again". What ever happened to that?
And let's face it He will do whatever he wants anyways - and I'll be fine with it :)
I think a series of Astral Weeks Live shows in Belfast would be the perfect end for the project...."Well I'm caught one more time"......sung yards from that mystical place!!!!!
No, don't think the whole album is necessary. A few songs like he's doing now is fine. Rather, I'd like to see him keep mining chestnuts from the old albums like Veedon Fleece, SDP, etc.
P.S. Keep up the good work. This is now the only resources for lineups, setlists, reaction, etc.
I'd love him to take the Astral Weeks experience to Europe. Just imagine the show at The Carre, or in Madrid, Berlin or Paris. They'd certainly be sell out shows.
Good question about the movie documentary - is there any word about this?
I think the Astral Weeks revisit is done - time to move on to new music direction that has more to it than 3 chord standards. I thought Keep it Simple was at least a refreshing step into a new approach.
I have a theory about the unreleased documentary.
I noticed the other day when I was watching the Astral Weeks Live DVD that the executive producer on the credits was listed as Gigi Lee.
This was presumably the same Gigi Lee who was central to the bizarre website hacking episode and who also was the supposedly the mother of his love child, which was vehemently denied by Van Morrison.
This is also the same woman who was his stateside business manager during the same period.
Presumably, she held a similar title as executive producer with the documentary, which was filmed during the same time as the Hollywood Bowl material.
Given the seriousness of the rift over this website/maternity fiasco, I'd be willing to bet that Mr. Morrison would scrap the release of the documentary if it meant that this woman would somehow profit from its release.
Just a theory, but Van Morrison doesn't need the DVD release as much as some others who might stand to profit from his name.
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