08-Aug-10 The Gorge Amphitheater, George, Washington Concert Review

After the busy weekend we had I couldn’t think of a better way to end it; at the Gorge watching Van Morrison. Tonight was the first time in a while that the three of us at Check It Out Music got to enjoy a concert together with some of our friends and family. It is a rare occasion for everyone’s schedules to line up and the company was grand. Van Morrison’s band walked out on stage just as the sun was slowly beginning to float behind the hillside. They all looked sharp in black suits with shiny shoes; it looked like they were getting a band photo taken. Then Van came out looking like a million bucks, never taking off his sunglasses and black fedora.
It was a disappoint that he is so serious about the no photo policy. People were getting in trouble for taking a photo on their cell phone. I thought that was ridiculous, people like photos it’s a way to remember the show. He looked great so I don’t know what the big fuss was about. We still managed to get a photo with an iPhone. Hello, it’s Van Morrison at the Gorge and we took it from our seat you can barely see him; he is like an inch big in the photo! The couple in front of us are in better focus… Psh.

No photo policy aside the show was impeccable. The weather was perfect for the evening with a smooth breeze and a colorful sunset. Not to hot on the floor, especially on the nice new paved Gorge floor! Also, they got new cushy seats that are super comfy. Everyone around us was sipping their wine and beers, laughing, talking, singing and of course dancing along. I felt like we were some of the youngest people on the floor, but the crowd still had some fire in them to holler things like “I love you Van,” or the best one “I love you more!”
Van’s band was seriously talented with everyone having solos and switching instruments. They had a flute, keyboard, piano, drum, stand up bass, bass guitar, electric guitar, violin, acoustic guitar, oh and gold microphones! Everyone was having fun on stage, except I didn’t see Van ever smile; he still looked like he was enjoying himself. I loved his monogram embellished gold microphone stand too; it complimented his white acoustic guitar effortlessly.

We got to hear some of our jams; “Brown Eyed Girl,” “Moondance,” “Into the Mystic,” “Talk is Cheap,” “Bright Side of the Road,” and “Gloria.” We had sneak out a little early to get everyone home before midnight. We all do have to work in the morning… and at some point our long weekend does have to come to an end. I wish we could have a show like that every Sunday. Absolutely lovely Van.
Northern Muse (Solid Ground)
Brown eyed Girl
The Mystery
Fair Play
How Can A Poor Boy
Keep it Simple
Talk is Cheap
Little Village
Into the Mystic
Bright Side of the Road
Baby Please Don't Go
Healing Has Begun
In the Garden
Rough God Goes Riding
Help Me
Big Hand for The Band
Jay Berliner-electric guitar
David Hayes-double bass
Bobby Ruggiero-drums
Ralph Allin-violin
Richie Buckley-flute, saxophone
Paul Moran-grand piano, trumpet & organ
We were at the show coincidentally dressed in black and dancing our butts off. This was the first time we have seen Mr. Morrison live and did not know about all the rules or the fact at some shows people are shushed to be quiet. WE LOVED IT! THE MUSIC WAS AMAZING...We had heard that for some reason Mr. Morrison would not come to the Northwest so we never throught to look at tour schedule. Hearing he was at the Gorge was an accident. The music sounded so much better than a recording. We still have our mother's albumns from the 60's. The women around us said they were going to dance if we were! We loved the show and hope we can see him again in our lifetime. Simply amazing. Great blog by the way.
I was at this concert. Van and the band were in excellent form and Van sang many of his hits to try to please the casual fan. There were also songs for the more hardcore fan. It was great to hear Fairplay, Playhouse, How Can a Poor Boy, and Keep it Simple.
Sadly, too many people in our section were there to chat with their friends rather than listen to Van sing. I'll never understand why people spend top dollar for tickets only to talk through the show. So, while it was an excellent concert, the crown prevented it from being the trancending experience that we felt at MSG in 09 or the Hollywood Bowl in 08.
My first Van concert in 12 years. Wonderful show, Van in fine voice, and I agree that he did look, as much as Van can, like he was having fun. But some of the joy of the concert was tinged by the cell phone scofflaws. The ban on their use has less to do with photos than the SOUND. I can totally understand the artist's reasons. We were 8th row, center, and all around us was UNenforced recording, sad to say. Are these people unable to read the signs, did they not hear the ushers tell EACH of us not to record with cell phones? Or do they just think it does not apply to them?
All his life, Van has stood up with integrity to the short-changers taking short cuts. Do the cell-phonies understand that they are part of the reason Van has written so many songs taking on the posers, imitators and greedheads of the world?
Think of the excellent version of "Talk Is Cheap" by Van and band: how about that line, "Baby, don't put your business on the telephone."
Yeah, Van, you can sing from your soul but do all of us listen?
This was my very first Van show, and I loved it!!! I became an extreme fan of Van in February 2010, just a short 6 months ago. The show at The Gorge was so completely amazing. Are there any other reviews of The Gorge show for posting? How about the setlist? Love your blog. Thanks.
The venue was brilliant, the setting beautiful but why did Van and the band come onto a black stage wearing all black? Up in the general admission hill I couldn't see him at all.
And...so I closed my eyes to listen and yes, I could hear the music but it was often overwhelmed by all the chatting.
Come on people, we are here to HERE!
Some really annoying guy beside me didn't stop talking the entire time! I kindly and respectfully asked him to tone it down a bit and boy oh boy it was like I had asked him to "f-off" or something. He started on this "I've paid money and I've got a right..." rant.
All right brother, you've paid your had earned cash to go see and listen to one of, if not THE, best musicians of all time, so why not listen?
Van, in his usual form, said not a word and once his 70 minutes we up, he simply walked off the stage. All right Van, so you're eccentric, I get it, but a wee "thank-you and good night" would have made up for the lack of a screen (at least we could have seen him!).
Yeah, great venue, great music but what's with the peeps who just want to talk?
The show was great, but I do not understand how such a great musician can do such a short concert ! 1h 20 minutes, no ancore, simply walk out from the stage! It is a shame and disrespect to fans.
By the way, the setlist shown in the blog is missing "Little Village" (was beautifully performed in the first quarter of the show)
This was to my first Van Morrison concert and I have waited along time to see him. He and the band
were impeccable, so gifted. But I
was very very very disappointed in the length of the concert. I know he has other concerts to get to and he is the MAN. But I found it arrogant to come late and leave early. Just when I thought the concert was starting it ended. Just like that. I stood there in honest disbelief. Sad
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