Friday, March 04, 2011

Here's a Short Video About What Makes Van's Music Special To So Many People


Eileen said...

Thank you John! Love it when Van says, "Say good night Gracie"

amsterdam1 said...

That was great, I've never had the chance to see Van live, but the comments of those concert goers reflected my feelings about Van's live material. Well put together, thanks a lot. Cheers

Unknown said...

I liked the Australian guy talking about traveling so far to see him play. I live in Australia, and saw him in Sydney in 85. "His best shows are when he intense" one of the interview subjects says. Spot on.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for posting this. Great film. For me, the best thing about Van is that to listen to him is to touch something utterly real, and so much in our lives these days is far from that. Keep up the great work with the web site and thanks again.
