Monday, January 09, 2012

08-January-2012 Culloden Hotel, Belfast, Northern Ireland

J. Stephens' review
This was the second night of the run and the organizers moved the dancing area off to the side instead of directly in front of the stage where it was the prior night. This gave everyone in the room a great view and probably helped to keep people focused on the music. I had come down from my room in the hotel to the banquet room the night before to get a preview of the scene, and could hear the loud laughing and talking over the music even before going in. Had I been in my formal attire, I think I probably could have just walked in since no one seemed to be checking tickets - OK, I admit I did go in for part of the rock-and-roll oldies portion of Saturday's set and lingered in the back until I got spotted by someone who looked official (I think my jeans and sweater gave me away)..

When I had seen that our evening was to start with champagne at 6 pm followed by dinner, and then the show at 9:00, I thought time would just drag on until the music started. Wrong. Between getting to know the people at our table, trying to find the other list members who I had never even seen before, and making an unplanned trip back to my room (more about that in a minute), the time flew by.

When we finished our meal and they were clearing the tables, the wife of the aforementioned friend of the hotel guy leaned over to me and whispered, "My husband and his friend are going to go meet Van after the show and maybe get an autograph." Followed by, "You should go with them - what do you have for him to sign?" It just so happens that the event organizer had left a little gift for me in my hotel room to apologize for a (inconsequential) mix up regarding the tickets - two VM CDs marked "Not for Sale - Promotional Copy". THAT is what I wanted him to sign. I looked at my watch - 7 minutes before 9:00. It's a good thing the hallways and stairs were empty. Six and one half minutes later I got back JUST as the music started.

I've seen the set lists posted already, and you know about him struggling with a cold for the first few songs. I think he hit his stride about 3-4 songs in. The sound was terrific. The band was spot on (as always). And Van appeared to be in great form . He seemed to actually be in a really good mood. Plus the crowd was very respectful and attentive. It all made for a very enjoyable show. A good set list, but a great performance.

Just as Van left the stage during Help Me (the last song), and everybody stood up for an ovation, the guys from my table signaled "Let's go!" So we did. Out to the back of the hotel where Van's silver BMW was the only car parked. We thought we made a mistake when there was no action even after 15 minutes. Just then, out he comes with his "handler" (I have no idea who the other guy was, I just call him that). Dressed in a brown leather jacket, driving cap, and scarf, Van seemed fine with saying hello, and even signing something for each of the three of us. Then he was off. My first meeting with Van the Man. In Belfast, no less. Five minutes from his home. A perfect ending to a perfect night.
-J. Stephens

Celtic Excavation
Talk Is Cheap
Precious Time
Ordinary Life
Fair Play
Keep Mediocrity at Bay
Have I told you Lately
I Cant Stop Loving You
Brown Eyed Girl
Crazy Love
Little Village
Baby, Please Dont Go
Here Comes The Night
Help Me

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